Sunday, 9 January 2011

Christmas brief - what not to do at the office Christmas Party.

Can't say I enjoyed this one, as I couldn't find ways to interpret the article differently. Also, I had a hell of a time with the storeroom image, as something wasn't working but I couldn't work out anything better. I think tiredness was a factor on that one! I'm pretty glad this one is over, but I used it as an excuse to alter the techniques I was using and try out some new stuff.

Don't order Champagne when everyone else is drinking cheap wine

What not to do at the office Christmas party

Dress to impress, not to shock - think twice about those gold hot-pants

hotpantsredo2What not to do at the office Christmas party

Stay one drink behind your superiors at all times - it's only OK to pass out if the boss does first

What not to do at the office Christmas party

You may be drunk, but don't sleep with a colleague

What not to do at the office Christmas party

Under no circumstances should you be using the photocopier, especially to do this:

What not to do at the office Christmas party


  1. I reckon you nailed it Tim! They're all great.

    I was nearly offended at the first one, before I read the mention of Champagne I thought it was a bottle of Ginger; which I did, of course, bring to the office christmas party.

  2. @Jasonhuk

    Thanks! Hope this gets to you as I've altered the coding for the blog so I can reply to comments. The angle of the bottle was a bit of a mistake, I hadn't bothered to think of the text until last minute on the inking stage! Of course, a party can't start without a bottle of ginger!
