As the title says!
I am actually vair vair happy (not sure why I'm substituting a word for squirrel fur for 'very', but hey, that be the language of the english, jah?)

I hated them at first. I must have done about nine books altogether, in various incarnations. I have whittled it down to two. Neither are exactly what I wanted, but both are not bad by any means.
I am very aware of the level of crappiness in these photos, but they were quick snaps I took on sunday, believing the project due today, despite the fact that NEXT MONDAY is the 8th. Tired me = dense me.

1) A big book, fabric bound, sort of japanese bound spine, harcover, hard spine
2) A teeny book (due to the printing restrictions of wanting to do a saddle stitch bind thingy) that's bound in midnight blue banana paper. I think that's my favourite. Because it's so small the spine is made of a flexible paper. Also the inside is bound more strongly, with a strip of fabric attaching the pages to the hardcover. I only realised this method when I was doing the last, teeny tiny book, as I had to learn off teh intarwebz, and the tutorial thingy was not too clear. I'll know in future. Might set myself a book based holiday project.
Hopefully two sketchbooks packed out with work will be enough for FMP. I'll check it aaaaht with tutors, see if there's any junk missing from it. God I wish this wasn't my first year of doing this, then I would know how much analysis and stuff to do.
I'll post up some mini-sketchbook stuff when I get round to scanneralising.
Oh, and in case anyone reads this (hello new person!) and thinks that I am in some way illiterate or dense, I am not, I just choose to fuck with teh Engerlish.
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